ROC and AUC in R!!!

[sourcecode language=”R”]
library(pROC) # install with install.packages(“pROC”)
library(randomForest) # install with install.packages(“randomForest”)

## Generate weight and obesity datasets.
set.seed(420) # this will make my results match yours

num.samples <- 100

## genereate 100 values from a normal distribution with
## mean 172 and standard deviation 29, then sort them
weight <- sort(rnorm(n=num.samples, mean=172, sd=29))

## Now we will decide if a sample is obese or not.
## NOTE: This method for classifying a sample as obese or not
## was made up just for this example.
## rank(weight) returns 1 for the lightest, 2 for the second lightest, …
## … and it returns 100 for the heaviest.
## So what we do is generate a random number between 0 and 1. Then we see if
## that number is less than rank/100. So, for the lightest sample, rank = 1.
## This sample will be classified "obese" if we get a random number less than
## 1/100. For the second lightest sample, rank = 2, we get another random
## number between 0 and 1 and classify this sample "obese" if that random
## number is < 2/100. We repeat that process for all 100 samples
obese <- ifelse(test=(runif(n=num.samples) < (rank(weight)/num.samples)),
yes=1, no=0)
obese ## print out the contents of "obese" to show us which samples were
## classified "obese" with 1, and which samples were classified
## "not obese" with 0.

## plot the data
plot(x=weight, y=obese)

## fit a logistic regression to the data… ~ weight, family=binomial)

## draw ROC and AUC using pROC

## NOTE: By default, the graphs come out looking terrible
## The problem is that ROC graphs should be square, since the x and y axes
## both go from 0 to 1. However, the window in which I draw them isn't square
## so extra whitespace is added to pad the sides.
roc(obese,$fitted.values, plot=TRUE)

## Now let's configure R so that it prints the graph as a square.
par(pty = "s") ## pty sets the aspect ratio of the plot region. Two options:
## "s" – creates a square plotting region
## "m" – (the default) creates a maximal plotting region
roc(obese,$fitted.values, plot=TRUE)

## NOTE: By default, roc() uses specificity on the x-axis and the values range
## from 1 to 0. This makes the graph look like what we would expect, but the
## x-axis itself might induce a headache. To use 1-specificity (i.e. the
## False Positive Rate) on the x-axis, set "legacy.axes" to TRUE.
roc(obese,$fitted.values, plot=TRUE, legacy.axes=TRUE)

## If you want to rename the x and y axes…
roc(obese,$fitted.values, plot=TRUE, legacy.axes=TRUE, percent=TRUE, xlab="False Positive Percentage", ylab="True Postive Percentage")

## We can also change the color of the ROC line, and make it wider…
roc(obese,$fitted.values, plot=TRUE, legacy.axes=TRUE, percent=TRUE, xlab="False Positive Percentage", ylab="True Postive Percentage", col="#377eb8", lwd=4)

## If we want to find out the optimal threshold we can store the
## data used to make the ROC graph in a variable… <- roc(obese,$fitted.values, legacy.axes=TRUE)

## and then extract just the information that we want from that variable.
roc.df <- data.frame($sensitivities*100, ## tpp = true positive percentage
fpp=(1 –$specificities)*100, ## fpp = false positive precentage$thresholds)

head(roc.df) ## head() will show us the values for the upper right-hand corner
## of the ROC graph, when the threshold is so low
## (negative infinity) that every single sample is called "obese".
## Thus TPP = 100% and FPP = 100%

tail(roc.df) ## tail() will show us the values for the lower left-hand corner
## of the ROC graph, when the threshold is so high (infinity)
## that every single sample is called "not obese".
## Thus, TPP = 0% and FPP = 0%

## now let's look at the thresholds between TPP 60% and 80%
roc.df[roc.df$tpp > 60 & roc.df$tpp < 80,]

## We can calculate the area under the curve…
roc(obese,$fitted.values, plot=TRUE, legacy.axes=TRUE, percent=TRUE, xlab="False Positive Percentage", ylab="True Postive Percentage", col="#377eb8", lwd=4, print.auc=TRUE)

## …and the partial area under the curve.
roc(obese,$fitted.values, plot=TRUE, legacy.axes=TRUE, percent=TRUE, xlab="False Positive Percentage", ylab="True Postive Percentage", col="#377eb8", lwd=4, print.auc=TRUE, print.auc.x=45, partial.auc=c(100, 90), auc.polygon = TRUE, auc.polygon.col = "#377eb822")

## Now let's fit the data with a random forest…
rf.model <- randomForest(factor(obese) ~ weight)

## ROC for random forest
roc(obese, rf.model$votes[,1], plot=TRUE, legacy.axes=TRUE, percent=TRUE, xlab="False Positive Percentage", ylab="True Postive Percentage", col="#4daf4a", lwd=4, print.auc=TRUE)

## Now layer logistic regression and random forest ROC graphs..
roc(obese,$fitted.values, plot=TRUE, legacy.axes=TRUE, percent=TRUE, xlab="False Positive Percentage", ylab="True Postive Percentage", col="#377eb8", lwd=4, print.auc=TRUE)

plot.roc(obese, rf.model$votes[,1], percent=TRUE, col="#4daf4a", lwd=4, print.auc=TRUE, add=TRUE, print.auc.y=40)
legend("bottomright", legend=c("Logisitic Regression", "Random Forest"), col=c("#377eb8", "#4daf4a"), lwd=4)

## Now that we're done with our ROC fun, let's reset the par() variables.
## There are two ways to do it…
par(pty = "m")

3 thoughts on “ROC and AUC in R!!!

  1. You need to pick your own threshold depending on the particular application (whether TPP or FPP is more important, such as rare disease classification).

    ## now let’s look at the thresholds between TPP 60% and 80%
    roc.df[roc.df$tpp > 60 & roc.df$tpp < 80,]

    For example,

    tpp fpp thresholds

    42 78.18182 35.55556 0.5049310
    43 78.18182 33.33333 0.5067116
    44 78.18182 31.11111 0.5166680
    45 76.36364 31.11111 0.5287933
    46 76.36364 28.88889 0.5429351
    47 76.36364 26.66667 0.5589494

    5 100 91.11111 0.07017225
    6 100 88.88889 0.08798755

    There is a tradeoff between TPP and FPP at different thresholds.

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